Thank you for choosing to report something that has happened. Things might feel difficult or tough at the moment, but by choosing to provide contact details, we'll be able to help provide better support and to stop something similar from happening to anyone else.
When you submit a report about you or another College student the College will use the information in order to ensure a safe learning environment by putting in place safeguarding measures and appropriate support.
You can find out more in our Safeguarding (including the use of Report + Support)
privacy policy.
You will be contacted by one of our Safeguarding Team members as soon as possible.
If an assault has just taken place and you are not in a safe place, feel at risk, or have any injuries that require urgent attention, please call 999.
Report + Support can also be used to report safeguarding concerns regarding staff at North East Scotland College. Staff safeguarding concerns are confidentially routed directly to the People Services Safeguarding Team.