We value the experience and talent of all, creating an accessible and inclusive learning and working environment.
Our aim is that, together, staff, students and stakeholders will respect themselves; give respect to others; know that they deserve to get respect from others; and grow a respectful community within North East Scotland College and in the wider world.
Celebrating diversity, and accepting other people’s beliefs and backgrounds
Listening while other people are talking
Appreciating other people’s opinions
Being polite and courteous
Treating property with due regard
Respecting yourself, and knowing you deserve respect from others
Being able to say how you feel and be confident that fellow students and staff respect those feelings
Knowing the College is a welcoming and safe space for you, and that there are people you can turn to if you feel you are being treated unfairly or discriminated against
Having the opportunity to get involved in decision-making that affects NESCol’s wider student body
Taking your respectful behaviours into the wider world – the community, your workplace, and your home
Building relationships with fellow students and staff through mutual respect for one another
Developing an understanding of different cultures and increasing your understanding of the world