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The Aberdeen Protects app was developed in partnership by Aberdeen City Council and the ADP, Alcohol and Drugs Action (ADA), lived experience from Aberdeen In Recovery, NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership. It aims to promote the uptake and use of naloxone. 
Naloxone (Nah-lox-own) is a free and safe medicine available as a kit to anyone to carry. It can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose whilst an ambulance is called. Even if the overdose is not from an opioid it is still safe to use. These days there are highly potent substances being mixed together - so no one can be totally sure what they are taking.
The app allows people to:
  • find nearest stockists of naloxone
  • videos on how to use naloxone and respond to an overdose
  • understand signs and symptoms of overdose
  • harm reduction advice
  • order postal naloxone  kit online
  • links to support services
  • links to national drug alerts
  • local push notifications of drug alerts, harms and local support
The app is for anyone - whether parents, staff or people using substances. Whether its young people at a party, people out at the weekend or people who have used substances for a long time, we can all reduce harm by understanding the risks and how to respond.
The app works on Apple and Android phones and tablets. It can be used for naloxone training and discussion points with service users.
Map Functions: to allow the app to work on finding and mapping nearest naloxone stockists the app needs access to your location.
Notifications: we can send notifications through the app of drug alerts, updates about help and support. Click 'allow notifications' when installing or via settings


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