Practical Safety Advice
  • Report it to the police.
  • Do not interact with the person stalking you.
  • Take a mobile telephone with you when you go out.
  • Have your keys ready for when you reach your front door
  • Consider fitting a home alarm system or carrying a personal attack alarm.
  • Make your online life more secure by changing your passwords regularly, heighten your privacy settings and do not share personal information with a stranger.  
  • Activate a pin or password on your mobile devices.
  • Turn off GPS and locating tagging on your mobile devices. 
  • If you become aware that you are being followed, make your way to a public place, commercial premises (such as a retail shop) or your nearest police station.
  •  Keep a diary of incidents and save evidence like text messages, emails and screenshots of any online activity. 
  • If you are receiving non-threatening letters or gifts, keep them as evidence of unwanted contact. If any of these items contain frightening or upsetting messages, again do not throw them away and handle them as little as possible. It is important that you pass these items to the police.
  • If you have a smart phone or other suitable device, record unwanted telephone conversations.
  • Do not allow the person to emotionally isolate you. Tell your trusted family and friends about what you are experiencing. 
Watch this video on how to upload an App to help you stay safe:
Dealing with unwanted calls
  • Contact your service provider who can put in place additional measures to prevent calls from withheld or unknown numbers.
  • If you choose to answer the phone, answer by saying 'hello', not your name or number.
  • Make use of answer machines and caller identifications to screen calls. Only talk to people you want to.
  • Try to keep calm and don’t show emotion. Certain categories of anonymous caller will give up if they don't get a reaction from you.
  • Do not respond in any way to unwanted calls, letters, or conversations.
If you know or find out who is stalking you:
  • Contact Police Scotland and report the circumstances.
  • Do not confront your stalker or engage them in conversation.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, agree to a meeting.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened