Walking home alone, particularly at night, can carry many risks. These risk are especially prevalent for Women. 
Check out these helpful tips that can support you to feel safer when walking home alone.

Always, Tell Someone Where You Are and Your Planned Route Home 

Texting or calling a friend or family member your planned route home can be helpful to ensure that, should you require urgent help, Emergency Services can narrow down the route they require to find you on. Texting or calling a friend or family member before you leave and when you arrive home can also serve as an extra precautionary measure that ensures others that you have arrived safely at your home. 

Check out the 10 Best Apps To Help You Feel Safe When Walking Home Alone At Night (wearehomesforstudents.com) for additional safety support should you feel you need it. 

Trust Your Instinct

First 2 Help You highlights the importance of listening to your Instincts; 
"One tip we always give to anyone working or walking alone is to always trust your gut instinct. If you start to feel uncomfortable for any reason phone a friend or colleague. Is there an alternative route you could take? Could you head somewhere more public?
Do you have a feeling that someone may be following you? Turn around to check. We wouldn’t advise approaching someone who is following you, but sometimes just by simply making them aware you have noticed could make them go away".

Always Have Your Phone With You

Having a charged and working phone is a safety precaution that is an invaluable tool when walking home alone. Being able to reach out for support can ensure you have the ability to call a taxi, should you feel unable to continue on your walk home, and Police Scotland if you feel you are at immediate risk of harm. Remember you do not require credit to call 999 (Emergency Services) should you need to. 
Always Have A Method Of Payment With You

Having access to a bus, train or taxi fare can be helpful should you feel it necessary to cut short your walk home. This could be due to feeling uncomfortable or frightened, deterioration of weather or having got lost when walking in an unfamiliar area.  
Having money and or debit/credit cards available can ensure you have accessible to pay for onward travel should you need it. 
Keep Your Keys Accessible 

Having easy access to your keys, such as having them in your pocket or clutched in your hand, can reduce the time you take to access your home safely, particularly if you are feeling unsafe.  

Look Confident

When you are walking home alone walking at a steady pace with your head up can indicate to others that you feel confident. This can make it less likely for an unwanted person to approach you. 
Avoid Wearing Headphones

Headphones can hinder our ability to hear potential risk around us, such as ongoing traffic and persons around us. Not having headphones in can help us to remain alert when walking home alone. 

Reducing How Much You Are Carrying

Having large amount of bags can hinder your ability to walk quickly. It also may make you more vulnerable to theft, should you be carrying items such as a laptop bag.  
Walking Home Alone: Expert Safety Tips You Can Try Now - First2HelpYou gives some great advice on how to keep safe when walking home alone.

*Photo obtained from First 2 Help Website 

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