Human trafficking involves exploiting individuals for their bodies and labor, constituting an illegal trade of people. It is often referred to as modern-day slavery.

This issue is clandestine, rapidly expanding, and multifaceted. Human trafficking generates significant annual profits. More people are believed to be enslaved today than at any other point in history.

It ranks as one of the fastest-growing and largest criminal industries worldwide.

Human trafficking can occur in any community, affecting people of all ages, races, genders, and nationalities. Traffickers use various methods to ensnare victims, including:

  • Violence
  • Manipulation
  • False promises of lucrative employment
  • Romantic relationships

Types of human trafficking include:

  • Labor trafficking: Compelling individuals to work under duress for minimal or no compensation.
  • Sex trafficking: Coercing or deceiving individuals into performing commercial sex acts.

Victims often do not seek help due to language barriers, fear of their traffickers, or distrust of law enforcement, making human trafficking a largely hidden crime.

Traffickers target vulnerable individuals for numerous reasons, such as:

  • Psychological or emotional fragility
  • Economic difficulties
  • Lack of social support
  • Natural disasters
  • Political instability

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